Wahyu Hutama, Hikari Harashima, Hironori Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Manabe, “HMK: Head-Mounted-Keyboard for Text Inputin Virtual or Augmented Reality,” Adjunct Proc. UIST ‘21, pp. 115-117, 2021.link
Wahyu Hutama, 原島 輝, 石川 博規, 真鍋 宏幸, “HMK: VR/ARテキスト入力用ヘッドマウントキーボード,” 情報処理学会研究会報告 2022-HCI-197, pp. 1-5, 2022. link
3Dプリンタを用いた電子回路作成手法 / Electric circuit by 3D printer
今井 悠平, 真鍋 宏幸, “3Dプリンタと転写箔を用いた電子配線印刷手法,” 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 241-253, 2021. link
Yuhei Imai, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Single-sided Multi-layer Electric Circuit by Hot Stamping with 3D Printer,” Adjunct Proc. UIST ‘21, pp. 126-128, 2021.link
Yuhei Imai, Kunihiro Kato, Norihisa Segawa, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Hot Stamping of Electric Circuits by 3D Printer,” Adjunct Proc. UIST ‘19, pp. 128-130, 2019.link
金箔を用いた電子回路作成手法 / Paper electronics using metal leaf
Norihisa Segawa, Kunihiro Kato, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Rapid Prototyping of Paper Electronics Using a Metal Leaf and Laser Printer,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘19), pp. 99-101, 2019.link
Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, Daizo Ikeda, Jun Rekimoto, “VARiable HMD: Optical See-Through HMD for AR and VR,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘19), pp. 131-133, 2019.link
被写界深度の深いシースルーHMD / Optical see-through HMD with deep depth of field
Yuki Katsumata, Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display with Deep Depth of Field Using Pinhole Polarizing Plates,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘19), pp. 102-104, 2019.link
Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, Daizo Ikeda, “ZeRONE: Safety Drones with Blade-free Propulsion,” Proc. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’19), Paper No. 365, 2019.link
Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Expanding the Field-of-View of Head-Mounted Displays with Peripheral Blurred Images,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘16), pp. 141-142, 2016.link
スマートフォンのカメラを用いたポインティングスティック / Pointing stick using smartphone camera
Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, Daizo Ikeda, “CamTrackPoint: Camera-Based Pointing Stick Using Transmitted Light through Finger,” Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘18), pp. 313-320, 2018. link
FTIRを用いたスマートフォンのタッチ領域拡張 / Additional touch pad for smartphone based on FTIR
Takuya Kitade, Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, “FTIR-based Touch Pad for Smartphone-based HMD Enhancement,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘18), pp. 174-175, 2018. link
装着者の表情が見えるHMD / Transparent HMD
Mariko Chiba, Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Transparent Mask: Face-Capturing Head-Mounted Display with IR Pass Filters,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘18), pp. 149-151, 2018. link
浮遊球体ドローンディスプレイ / Spherical Drone Display
Wataru Yamada, Kazuhiro Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, Daizo Ikeda, “iSphere: Self-Luminous Spherical Drone Display,” Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘17), pp. 635-643, 2017. link
直列に接続したタッチセンサ / Touch sensing with series-connected electrodes
真鍋 宏幸, 山田 渉, “直列に接続した電極を用いたタッチ検出手法,” 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 272-285, 2019. link
Hiroyuki Manabe, Wataru Yamada, “A Capacitive Touch Sensing Technique with Series-connected Sensing Electrodes,” Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘17), pp. 645-654, 2017. link
スマートフォンを用いたHMDにおける視線検出 / Eye tracking in HMD using smartphone front camera
Hiroyuki Hakoda, Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe, “Eye Tracking Using Built-in Camera for Smartphone-based HMD,” Adjunct Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘17), pp. 15-16, 2017. link
Hiroyuki Manabe, Wataru Yamada, Hiroshi Inamura, “Tag System with Low-powered Tag and Depth Sensing Camera,” Proc. Symp. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘14), pp. 373-382, 2014.link
真鍋 宏幸, 福本 雅朗, “ヘッドホンを用いたEOG法による視線入力インタフェース,” 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 1515-1526, 2011. link
Hiroyuki Manabe, Masaaki Fukumoto, Tohru Yagi, “Conductive Rubber Electrodes for Earphone-based Eye Gesture Input Interface,” Proc. Symp. Wearable Computers (ISWC ‘13), pp. 33-40, 2013. link
Hiroyuki Manabe, Masaaki Fukumoto, “Full-time Wearable Headphone-type Gaze Detector,” Extended Abstracts Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘06), pp. 1073-1078, 2006. link
無発声音声認識 / Recognition of unvoiced speech
真鍋 宏幸, 平岩 明, 杉村 利明, “無発声音声認識 : 筋電信号を用いた声を伴わない日本語5母音の認識,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II, Vol. 88, No. 9, pp. 1909-1917, 2005. link
Hiroyuki Manabe, Akira Hiraiwa, Toshiaki Sugimura, “Unvoiced Speech Recognition Using EMG - Mime Speech Recognition,” Extended Abstracts Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘03), pp. 794-795, 2003. link